Our Team
Katie Murwin
Founder and CEO
Likes to Cook
Todd Murwin
Likes to Eat
Janet Morrow
Speech Language Pathologist
Karen Roessler
Occupational Therapist
Mary Jo Gray
Cooking Assistant
Bret Edson
Videographer and Photographer
Nicholas Murwin
Videographer and Photographer
Our Partners
The Give Garden works with Sensory Cooking to provide child friendly cooking class ingredients and supplies, delivered straight to your door. Sensory Cooking is proud to partner with The Give Garden to provide our cooking students with an accessible way to start cooking!
Pal Experiences
We have been fortunate to partner with SEEDs over several years. We have taught in person cooking classes to the young adults who are a part of the program. We have been able to share their beautiful kitchen products in multiple ways including, sharing food and recipes at their annual holiday sale. We have taught at their Saturday Community classes and we have forged an amazing relationship that we believe has been a benefit to all involved.
Our History
After 20+ years of raising our three kids with sensory challenges, we’ve learned a lot about how to adapt to their needs. One of the main strategies we used in improving is a lot of small steps; we believe cooking can be taught in the same way. Sensory issues can be addressed and sometimes improved as people are exposed to a variety of new smells and tastes.
Our Approach
We believe cooking is for everyone, whether you are experienced or a beginner. Sensory Cooking is a great place to start. We want to teach the value of using all your senses when you cook and eat.